Plan 35

We believe that Traditional Communities traditional communities are built on a system of social protection, participative governance and communal decision-making, accountable leadership, flexible customs and adaptable codes, and most importantly, the ability to innovate under evolving circumstances.

The logic hierarchy of our National Strategy flows as follows: our Vision is an overarching goal; our Mission elaborates on to whom the Vision applies; Plan 35 explains the implementation, priorities and numerical targets reflecting the Social conditions which embody the attainment of a better society.

Our Vision
A relevant and innovative traditional African community in a changing World

Our Mission
We, the Bafokeng, Kgosi, Supreme Council and Makgotla, together with those who share our vision and values, will create an enabling environment for the prosperity of current and future generations by developing the people, the economy, and the land. Our strategy for excellence is realised through zero tolerance for corruption and through courageous, innovative leadership rooted in Bafokeng values.

Plan 2035
Plan 35 is our developmental plan includes all aspects of how we will attain our Vision.

Plan 35 divides the activities of our various agencies into three broad areas:
- Those which principally promote individual development (chiefly health, education and supporting infrastructure)
- Those which principally promote collective development (chiefly our courts, our leadership, our heritage and arts promotion, and protection of our people and environment)
- Those which principally promote long-term sustainability and economic growth (chiefly resources stewardship, and the creation of enabling environments for economic opportunity creation)

We have set targets for each of these areas, for every year between 2016 and 2035. We are also developing all our activities into five-year phases. Thus, we are linking areas of action with targets, every target with a policy framework, and every policy framework with a set of activities to be executed. These have become our projects and programmes, each linked to a budget line, broken into yearly performance indicators.

© 2012 Royal Bafokeng Nation. Created by Thinkshoppe.